
You come to love not by finding the perfect person,but by seeing an? imperfect person perfectly.
looking for a soulmate who i can go for a drink/meal with,go out to see live bands, have a chilled night in with,piss myself laughing with,some-one who can take the childish good humoured banter( and give it!!) someone who"s not a bunny boiler and doesnt take life to seriously,has and wants to keep there own independence,and can laugh at themselves as well as life.someone who likes music (lots of it) doesnt put themselves down all the time!and doesnt mind the endless hugs and affection i give them.
how i feel and for the people who feel the same too: have you ever had a problem you had to keep to yourself and your trying but it hurts like hell its a feeling i despise bringing misery to life wishing you had someone to trust in so you can let it all convey the reason you been feeling so down but when you reach out for help you find theres noone but yourself i know life wont be this tough forever only one thing makes it better you dont hold it inside no such thing as pride when your hearts on the line its okay to cry i know what your feeling ive been through it myself contained emotions i was locked in a shell little did i know i was headed down that road i never had a compass directing where i should go make a let off victim road continue straight into the light becuase thats where you should find help and were never too old or grown to just cry you got to let it all out sometime sit in a corner and cry hug on a pillow and cry scream at the top of your lungs and cry also men do cry too and thats what i call real men who show there emotioms xx
If i was to be in a relationship and he had worries/concerns i'd be up all night to listen to him. If he was unwell i'd be up all night to comfort him. If he had a dream i'd do anything to makes that dream come true becuase thats what you cal

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Surrey
City/Town: Chertsey
Age: 20
Marital Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: No
Drinking: Yes

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